about me
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hi my name is anthony, but my friends call me tony. I am a student at Camelback High. I am in no sports or clubs. On my spare time i hang out with my friends, or act stupid and get kicked out of stores. My friends and I go in there a have a battle with lightsabers and boxes we constantly have security following us wherever we go. Even when we don't do any thing, it kinda pisses me off.

The History of My Site
I was sitting in front of the computer looking at my friends bands site, www.violentoutburst.8m.com, and I saw a thing in the corner of the site that said "build a website," so i clicked it, and I started to make a website, but i did not know what to name it, so I named from whatever was on top of my head. So now that i had a name, I could start to build my website. I started working on it, and 4 hours later i had a website and i have been working on ever since.

other things about me
I try to skate sometimes, but i really suck at it. A couple of my friends and I are trying to get a camcorder so we can film some of the stupid things we do. Maybe we can get a show on the public access channel. My favorite channel on t.v. is the independent film channel. I watch that channel everyday. I like all kinds of music except for country. My favorite kind is punk rock. I think it is the best kinda of music. I don't have a girl friend, but there is someone I like I would ask her out, but everytime i ask a girl that i really like out they all tell me the same thing, " I would, but I have a boyfriend all ready," or " I just like u as a friend." I try to do good in the things i do, but I never do any thing right. The way I see it is trying, is the first step to failure.